It’s possible.
Waxing removes the entire hair, root and all, from the follicle. Your skin naturally hardens and thickens over the area that was waxed so it is important to keep that area gently exfoliated. Use a gentle scrub in that area about 2 days after waxing and continue to exfoliate 1 to 2 times a week thereafter. Remember, I said gentle!
Also, use a mixture of tea tree and lavender oil. Both are antimicrobial and antibacterial and will prevent irritation.
Try to wear loose-fitting clothes for a few days after to give your skin a chance to breathe and reduce moisture.
The bikini, lip and underarms are where we tend to perspire the most. Perspiration and moisture cause bacteria to grow. Once that area has been waxed, the follicle is wide open to this bacteria creeping in.
Try to avoid heavy exercise that will increase perspiration and chaffing for about 24-48 hours after waxing.