For the next 24-48 hours avoid on the waxed areas:
- use of exfoliating products (Alpha-Hydroxy Acid (AHA) products, loofahs, scrubs, etc.)
- direct sun exposure and tanning beds
- creams with fragrance or ingredients that may irritate
- deodorant: it results in irritation and clogging of open follicles
- wearing tight clothing: results in irritation and inflammation
- excessive heat, such as that from hot tubs and saunas. Warm showers are okay.
- exercise, if it may cause chaffing or sweating
- touching the freshly waxed area: this encourages irritation
After 24-48 hours, regular exfoliation with a shower gel an help keep skin soft and prevent ingrown hairs. Apply an SPF 30 or greater sunscreen to any exposed treatment areas. Since waxing exfoliates as well as removing hair, your skin will be more prone to sunburn in the days following your treatment.